ChinaAutoRegs|GB/T 12540-2024英文版翻译 汽车及汽车列车最小转弯直径、转弯通道圆和外摆值测量方法
Minimum turning circle diameter, turning clearance circle and swing-out value test method for motor vehicles and combination of vehicles
ChinaAutoRegs|GB 20072-2024英文版翻译 乘用车后碰撞安全要求
The requirements of safety in the event of rear-end collision for passenger car
ChinaAutoRegs|GB 19482-2025英文版翻译 摩托车和轻便摩托车燃油箱安全性能要求和试验方法(报批稿)
Safety property requirements and test methods for fuel tanks of motorcycles and mopeds
ChinaAutoRegs|GB 17510-2025英文版翻译 摩托车和轻便摩托车光信号装置(报批稿)
Light-signalling devices for motorcycles and mopeds
ChinaAutoRegs|GB 15365-2025英文版翻译 摩托车和轻便摩托车操纵件、指示器及信号装置的图形符号(报批稿)
Motor vehicles-windshield demisting and defrosting systems technical specification